Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I Love: Greens and Mustard

If you think I'm talking about food, well, that is entirely likely!
Beets, Shishito Peppers, + Kale from Sunday
It all started with this top made by Luv 'N' Stuff (Chicago):
I bought this plaid plush top at Sonny's, in South Pasadena [now Koi] in the early 90s.
A pullover, it was always a little too bulky, a little too warm.
I found it Sunday afternoon languishing on the floor of the wardrobe where I store my jackets.
I made a simple cut down center front and a world of new mixtures began!
I've worn it every day this week. Here are Tuesday and Monday:
Yesterday's uploads to my new Trendstartr account
So matchy matchy!
I coordinate with the kitchen floor!
Pondering the mustard and green, yellow and green while driving to work:
I end up behind trucks with these colors! And road signs! And painted road lane indicators!!!!!!
At work, I took a moment and mixed up some hues in Photoshop and got their nearest Pantone (PMS)#s
The green that I'm NOT caring for:
OMG Emerald, PMS 17-5641, Pantone's "Official Color" for Spring 2013
Too bluish for my taste.
Give me my spring green grass green PMS 363!