Monday, April 1, 2019

I Pity the [April] Fool, April 2019 Linkup

Last year, while corralling links for my 2014 road trip journal, I came across this April Fool's Mr T linkup from 2014.
One of the many Mr T images/things that I found in 2014.
Click here to see more! Totally worth it! 
For April 2019, instead of dressing like Mr T, let's reveal and linkup some foolish things that we've done in the past (or currently, you fool, you).
I certainly have a few, how about you?
The gallery of foolish Poshmark purchases, shoe division.
What is it with the brown shoes, Anne? [only the Keds remain unsold -- yay]

Linking this up with
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #shareAllLinkup