Saturday, August 31, 2019

Summertime Goals: August Summery Summary

Daily Goals:
Do a Daily Drawing. (Fashion sketches count). 12/31
The fashion sketches are TOP SECRET
This, however, was a fun "Sunday Challenge" in my Facebook sketch group:
"Draw yourself as royalty in 3 minutes"
I used Procreate. [It took longer than 3 minutes!]
Procreate doodles (new) 19/31
This one got the most Likes:
This one I "donated" to the day job, I think it'll be good for Costco Canada panties if I change the colours:

Weekly Goals:
Waterlogues from old road trip photos 19/4 / Post to Saatchi Art 4/4
Sew and/or repair at least one garment. 2/4

List at least one item on Poshmark 4/4
Upload new art to Redbubble. 2/4
Sew one patch onto Crazy Quilt (new). 0/4 [sigh]

Summer Goals:
54 FASHION SKETCHES (new) 13/54 
Get taxes done. not yet
DeClutter the living room (again). started and needs more constant/consistent work
Get sewing machine repaired. (how many years has this been broken now?) not yet

Do you have any sort of "To Do" list? Or maybe a "Honey Do"?
I'll report back again at the end of the September, progress or not.

The SUMMER Link Party closes at 9/2, so get those summer things linked!

There will be a different sort of Link Party for September -- check back tomorrow!

Linking up with
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #shareAllLinkup

Sunday, August 25, 2019

It's All About Me: Eleven Questions

1) Why blog?
My first blog was started for a drawing challenge. I was immediately addicted.
My first-ever blog post -- 5.26.2008
I started my seventh (!) to learn WordPress before changing my art website to that platform.
I really like blogging as a way to communicate. Pictures and words — win-win!

2. What is your favorite pastime (aside from blogging)
My creative endeavors are too weighted to be pastimes so I’ll have to say, doing things with my love Severo! Or eating. Or both:

3. How do you overcome your fears?
Powering through. But some? I have some deep fears (heights) that I can’t lick. It is what it is.

4. What motivates you?
My Top Secret project, procrastination is setting in.
5. How do you define success?
Feeling excited and engaged in whatever project(s) I’m working on.

6. Who do you admire?
All the people who follow their passion, no matter the cost.

7. What is beautiful to you?
Honesty. Nature. Lurid sunrises and sunsets.
Phoenix Sunset II, oil on canvas, 48 x 30", ©2001
8. What are two things you like about yourself?
I am a creative force!
I love my legs
Legs. Banned on Tumblr.
9. Favorite style era?

10. Heels or flats?
Clogs and Fluevogs (2” heel and under)

11. Favorite season?
Ramp season! “Ramps are a wild onion that grow during the spring in Eastern Canada and the U.S. They're sometimes referred to as wild leeks, and taste like a balanced mixture of garlic and onion. They're pungent, to say the very least.” (From HuffPost)
That time I discovered ramps in my mom's woods -- May 2014
This was inspired by the questions issued to Shelbee for her Sunshine Blogger Award

Linking up with
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #ShareAllLinkup

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dosa in Marfa, 2014

In 2014, a made a solo road trip circumnavigation of the US, dubbing it On the Edge: US.
There is a blog for it, and now I'm retracing my steps on my Patreon subscription blog, which has typed transcriptions of the journal/memoir, new art images, and other random stuff.

I must interject that I just found out that the Edge art will be on exhibit at The stARTup Art Fair in Houston, October 11-13 at the Hotel Icon. I am beyond excited!

My current Patreon post includes things I did in Marfa and I wanted to share my visit to Teinda M [store closed] here. It was a beautiful shop, and I wanted to take photos of EVERYTHING.
It seems, however, I only took a few:
Beautiful handlooms from India
I adored this upcycled map fabrication.
Behind the desk was this cloud photos collage. Great idea for a print!
Oh! it's now Dosa's Home Page image!
For better photos, visit Dosa's project link for Teinda M.

I HAD to buy SOMETHING, and I got two things, a Sadhu towel and a Marfa Brand Lapsang Souchong soap (still available online!). I haven't used either. I featured the towel in a mending post two years ago.
still looks like this
I use the soap in my linen closet to freshen my sheets. But now that I know I can get more...

I would definitely return to Marfa, given the opportunity. Road trip, anyone?

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Summertime Goals: July Summery Summary

Time for a ToDo checkin!
How did I do?
Well, to start, I read an uplifting article in Medium by Benjamin Hardy about taking a few minutes every morning to write ones goals. [I'm not linking to the actual article because I'm not sacrificing one of my 3 free reads per month on you all. Sorrynotsorry]
I've been trying it out, it's maybe turning into more of a journal of idea catching, but, whatever.
I'll keep it up for August at the very least.
Here's my journal cover -- perfect image for goals, yes?
Available on Redbubble, I get 20% commission.
The exciting new creative development this month was a return to fashion sketching!
I'm now doing them in Procreate on my iPad.

At first, I was selecting Insta-friends who first showed up in my feed. Then the algorithm kept sending me the same friends, so I looked for friends to sketch, and then I got A BIG IDEA that has to remain TOP SECRET until late October. It will keep me busy, my goal is 53 sketches! (Adding to list).

Daily Goals:
Do a Daily Drawing. 28/31
Create a new Waterlogue from old road trip photos. 15/31 -- too difficult to do every day, need to come up with a weekly system
Post a piece of art on Saatchi Art. This goes hand in hand with above. Removing from list.

Weekly Goals:
Sew and/or repair at least one garment. 1 done (link), 2 more started
List at least one item on Poshmark 21!
Upload new art to Redbubble. um, 1
Sew one patch onto Crazy Quilt (new). 0 (out of sight, out of mind)

Summer Goals:
Get taxes done. not yet
DeClutter the living room (again). started and needs more constant/consistant work
Get sewing machine repaired. (how many years has this been broken now?) not yet

Do you have any sort of "To Do" list for Summer? Or maybe a "Honey Do"?
I'll report back again at the end of the August, progress or not.

AND, you still have a month to link up any summery themed posts or Instagrams.
Multiple submissions encouraged -- links are randomized.

Linking up with
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #shareAllLinkup