Friday, July 26, 2024

Crazy Quilt Dossier: 2024 Repairs Are DONE!


Here it is, all mended for this year.

My "in process" posts fell by the wayside. Too much life happening.
I was more diligent on Instagram, you can click here to see just those posts (probably not in chronological order because IG has ruined hashtags).

Anyhow, I will eventually get to them, and will back date the posts to the proper days (just as I am with this post - haha).

Here are quilt iterations from years past:


Another plan I have is to create a proper index of all the quilt posts.
I'll save that for a day when I want to procrastinate on something.
I find writing blog posts is a great procrastination technique!

Linking up with:
Is This Mutton's WOW on Wednesday