Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Crazy Quilt is Mended!

For this year, anyway.
Compare it to the last time I photographed the entire thing (2011):
My final mend, on 6/13 was an Old Faithful patch:
I was surprised that it was the last item I needed! (Yes, I can see the tweed has holes. Will mend next year!)

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One Monthly Goal

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Clog Zoom

click to embiggen
What is this piece of silliness, you ask?

I'm participating in the fourth round of "Call and Response", an online art collaboration conceived by Kristine Schomaker and her team at Shoebox PR. (Click here to see Round 3)
The above is my response to the following, from my art partner, Kristine Augustyn:

I have enjoyed every iteration of this project.
I posted my Round 2 (which was edited into a single movie) and Round 3 on my new art website.
To see the Round 4 day to day collaboration for the next two weeks, follow my art Instagram

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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

One Monthly Goal Challenge - June

I had fun spending May with the #mendmay Instagram Challenge. I focused my mending on the Crazy Quilt, my endless work in progress. I will continue to work on it, and to fill my scrap diary, a record I'm keeping of the new patches teamed with the patches I'm covering up. 

Will I finish it in June? Doubtful, if the Quilt King has anything to say about it.
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