Last week I finally had my first
Frau Fiber experience!
It was GREAT!
I'm all excited about turning reject garments into yarn that I can use to make new fiber creations.
(I'm leaning toward weaving).
The event transpired at the California African American Museum coinciding with the
Shinique Smith exhibition Refuge (more on that, if I can find the time). Some people upcycled tees into tote bags. I made yarn.
Here's how:
Cut off the hem. Turn tee inside out, fold so you see both seams (if you have side seams). |
Cut across the tee through the seam CLOSER to you. DO NOT cut the other seam. |
Closeup of cuts. |
Pull tee apart so you can see remaining seam spine. (Some did this on their arm). |
Cut DIAGONALLY from one cut to the next across the "spine".
This will give you a continuous strip of "yarn". |
Pull the "yarn taut to get it to curl (only works with jersey. Not interlock, I discovered). |
The "yarn"! |
Do the same process with the sleeves, or cut in a spiral after you cut off the hem.
My tee yarn and leftover bits. |
I also did the same with lounge pants:
One leg's worth of yarn. |
Two balls of yarn and the leftover bits. |
Here's the start of what I'm making (pay no attention to that cat):
He's lying on a stripe that will match nicely. It was in a random pile in the living room and caught my eye. |
Linking with Catherine's
Spread the Kindness