Sunday, December 28, 2014

52 Pick-me-up: Cyclamen

It's a flower week on 52 Pick-me-up, featuring the cyclamen.
Cyclamen persicum by Mauricio Mercadante [source
The pink in the photo above reminds me of my pink shawl. Here's an older picture from last February:
Link up your flower power!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: Facebook (set it on Public),
Instagram (use -- IG won't work), Flickr, etc.

Please be polite, add a link back to this post.

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Sunday, December 21, 2014

52 Pick-me-up: Bejeweled

I'm more of a silver rings on my fingers kind of a gal.
On my wrist, I've draped a rhinestone necklace that I got from my mom years and years ago.
Happy holidays to all!

Have something sparkly to share? Link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: Facebook (set it on Public),
Instagram (use -- IG won't work), Flickr, etc.

Please be polite, add a link back to this post.

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Sunday, December 14, 2014

52 Pick-me-up: Frozen

It's nowhere near freezing here in LA. It HAS become chilly, however.

I'm linking up with Visible Monday.

What are you wearing to keep warm? Link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: Facebook (set it on Public),
Instagram (use -- IG won't work), Flickr, etc.

Please be polite, add a link back to this post.

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Sunday, December 7, 2014

52 Pick-me-up: Crazy Legs

Time for some crazy on your legs. Crazy pants, crazy tights, crazy socks, crazy shoes.
I'm wearing the crazy tights that I had printed and rainbow socks that Ruth gave me.
How crazy will you go? Link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: Facebook (set it on Public),
Instagram (use -- IG won't work), Flickr, etc.

Please be polite, add a link back to this post.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

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