Saturday, January 28, 2012

The plot thickens...

Because I'm busy procrastinating on my Fashion Icon series, I found a really fun project that I'm going to embark upon. It's a weekly postcard challenge, based on Nick Bantock's Griffin & Sabine books

Step one ...create 2 characters, and 2 addresses. 
now they can be 2 guys, 2 women, a man and a woman, 2 kids, 2 old people...whatever you want. the address can be anywhere in the world as long as they are fictitious. All you need to start with is a name for each person and an address for each person

SpyGirl, as an international fashion correspondent for... have to decide on a magazine
Thrilla, awesome bassist for The Smithereens (true) on a world tour (fiction)

Step two... cut out 52 postcards. You can use whatever you want, plain card, textured card, patterned card, watercolour paper...whatever you want, as long as they are 6inches x 4 inches.
If you wish to join in every week you will need 52, you may only want to join in fortnightly, or even monthly in which case you need less cards.

Guess what I have...
a box of international postcards!
a huge pile of antique cards, mostly of British scenes
(maybe Thrilla is recording in England vs world tour...
I'm figuring this out AS I TYPE)
This seems to tie in nicely with the fake wedding that I posted about yesterday. Maybe this is the communication that leads up to it? Have more of the story to figure out, obviously. Stay tuned! I've got three weeks to work on already... more procrastination!
(Not that finding distraction is ANY sort of problem for me)

If you want to read more about the Postcard Challenge, click on over to Darcy's site