Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Spy on Pose

Nothing has been happening in my Iama Spy Pose account. I think I need to start posting every day and follow more people. I wish there was a "search people" page... alas, no.

Today I posted these fantastic Jimmy Choo Shoes:
you can find them at Neiman Marcus
here fishy, fishy...
I think I figured out the feed situation. At least here, looks like it's all me, people I follow, or others that friends have hearted or made comments on (this is how the chaos happens, I bet!). I followed some more people one more person after I took this shot, maybe I'll return later today and see how it's changed...

[next morning]
I finally got something in my inbox...
An advert from the ubiquitous Mr Kate

Ugh. Mr Kate annoys me. She's probably a perfectly nice person but it's her profile picture. It really bugs me. I HATE the mustache thing. I don't GET the mustache thing.  (Steampunk, right?)
I guess that makes me an old person. That's OK, I'm old.

And then there's the issue that THIS IS AN AD! Spammy ads in our inboxes.
[said with eye roll].