Wednesday, February 26, 2014

52 Pick-me-up: Dress Like a Libation

Here is this week's 52 Pick-me-up directive: Dress like your favorite cocktail.

Can you guess mine?
photo by Sarah of Call Me Fudge
I'm a (virgin) Tequila Sunrise!
This was my drink of choice when I was going out to see LA pop shows in the 90s.
That is, if I bothered to pay for a beverage. Usually I didn't drink anything, so that I could avoid nasty rest rooms.

Here's Call Me Fudge's Tequila Sunrise recipe:

(makes 1 drink)

2 oz. tequila
4 oz. orange juice
3/4 oz. grenadine

1.  Fill a high ball glass with ice.  Pour in tequila and orange juice.

2.  Slowly pour in grenadine and allow it to separate and settle at the bottom.

3.  Stir before sipping!

I found Sarah's site through a Google Image search. What a fun blog!

OK, put down that drink, link, and tell!
Dress like your favorite cocktail
Dress like your favorite cocktail

Monday, February 24, 2014

SpyGirl Interviews Pinkie Ginger Pie

I saw these photos of Pinkie Ginger Pie on Facebook (I'm friends with her mom). She fashioned an amazing look for her school's 80s Day. The judge was sorely misguided when she awarded the prize to someone else. Pinkie is THE winner in my book. She recently turned nine -- Happy Birthday Pinkie Ginger Pie!
Did you have a muse (someone that inspired you) for your look? Was there any one particular person or was it a combination of sources or did you dream it all up on your own?
Cyndi Lauper was my inspiration, she always has crazy outfits! Her music videos helped me dream it up. And my Mommy loves the 80’s.

Did you do research? Where?
Yes, I watched all of Cyndi Lauper’s videos. And I have seen every episode of Punky Brewster!

Your rainbow tulle skirt is totally awesome! Did you (or someone, who?) make it?
Yeah, my Mommy made it for an 80’s party that she went to. I asked her if I could wear it. 
Your attention to detail was outstanding! Where did you find all that stuff? Rainbow suspenders? Jewelry? Glove!?
The rainbow suspenders and the glove came from Claire’s and the jewelry was Mommy’s that she got from the gift shop that she works at.
The socks! The secret mismatched socks! Where did you get that idea?
That’s how Mommy always wears them, so that’s how I wear them

Got any plans for your Halloween costume?
Not yet, but I am thinking about human Pinkie Pie (from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) Mommy and I will make the costume together. I love helping Mommy make costumes because I want to be a fashion designer one day! I have A LOT of ideas!

May we check back with you in October/November to see it?
Yes! I would love to share with you :)

Watch out world -- Pinkie Ginger Pie is a force to be reckoned with!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Literary Linkup with Ann-Margret and Elvis

My new blogging friends Maricel of My Closet Catalogue and Selah of A Bibliophile's Style have started a fun link-up inspired by their love of books and reading, called Thoughtful Third Thursday.

Here are their directions: Every third Thursday of the month, create a post where you state what you’re currently reading (novel, non-fiction, short story, magazine, blog, manga, etc.), include a quote and/or a synopsis, and an outfit that you feel corresponds to your chosen quote.

I'm game -- I love to read, and I love a quirky outfit challenge.

My non-fiction autobiographical book:  
My Story, by Ann-Margret 
My quote:
"I regarded Elvis's presence as an extra bonus. I was pleased to know he was nearby, and I hoped we could connect somehow." p. 255

My look:
Elvis paperweight from the official Graceland souvenir shop, 1995
Elvis jacket is a Lee barn jacket customized with an Elvis tapestry by some genius designer in the 80s, purchased in a cool shop [RIP] in Pasadena on Colorado, east of Lake.
Got the Ann-Margret book from the "freebie" shelf at the Mar Vista branch of LA Public Library.

Linking up with Thoughtful Third Thursday (duh)
and Patti's Visible Monday

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Digital Catwalk: Sue Is In the Pink!


Be sure to click on Sue's link to see all the wonderful details of this amazing paisley jacket that she sewed.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

52 Pick-me-up: Roaring 20s


Once again, I face my closet with a retro quandry. I couldn't even find my sketches of 20's costumes that I did back in college (I'll keep looking for those. Now I have a mission). (Can't even find the post with a picture of one. This is getting ridiculous!)

From the archives is this:
originally seen here, July 2012
I refurbished that green/navy striped tunic the summer of 2012. I wear it at least once every two weeks. For yardage purchased for under $4, an excellent cost-to-wear ratio!

In the above-linked post, I'd promised directions on how to make the jacket. I made it from sari fabric, and it was created from two rectangles. I got the pattern from a Laurie Herrick hand woven coat that I saw at the Portland Museum of Contemporary Craft.
originally seen here, June 2011
I never followed through on that. Oops. Will rectify... sometime.

As a final flourish, here's a page from a 1920's Montgomery Ward catalog:
source: Dover
The above immediately brings to mind Ms Desiree, of Pull Your Socks Up. Click on over there and you'll see what I mean.
But before you go, how are you doing finding some 1920s in your closet? Link and tell!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

SpyGirl Style: The Palm Springs Fine Art Fair


Here is my fashion report from the trenches of the Palm Springs Fine Art Fair.
Here I am with my BFF (and hostess) Leslie A Brown
Photo by Cynthia Alexander
Leslie of course finds the skull suit guy
in Lisa Sette's booth with the bronze bat by Jessica Joslin
An original Rudi Gernreich pant suit
Lovely ladies
Serious art patrons with the dealer from Habatat Galleries
The VIP reception was held on 2/13, so this piece was very timely (and funny)
Meet Satan of 92262
Young fan of Steve Maloney's Ride-em-Copter
Todd McMahon and his wife examine the Ride-em-Copter

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Greetings from Palm Springs

No, I haven't fallen off the planet. I've been at an art fair in Palm Springs. 
Here's how I looked yesterday and most likely today too. 
Devolved to Palm Springs Casual, including the Birkenstock style sandals. 

Haven't sold any art yet, today's the last day. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

As an experiment in mobile blogging, it looks like this iPad won't be sufficient. No formatting in the Blogger App, for one thing. I edited this photo using various Apps - it sure took a lot longer than on a computer! Then there was the issue of the $11 WiFi in the Palm Springs Convention Center. Yes, I could have walked over to Starbucks. No, I didn't. 

I took lots of photos, the people watching was great. Will make every effort to recap when I get home!

Here I am in TAG Gallery's booth on Friday being interviewed by Angela Valente Romeo (photo by Darlyn Susan Yee). That's my art above my head. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

52 Pick-me-up: In the Pink? Or is Valentine's Making You Blue?

Organized holidays try my patience.
Hence the blueness.
Not really, I found so many things that coordinated with these new chenille socks that I bought at the 98¢ and Up Depot for $1.98. I opted for more blues than pinks.

Despite my dislike of Valentine's, I'll do my best to be a good girlfriend.
I'll be in Palm Springs on 2/14 but I have a GREAT card all set to give to Severo:
alternatehistories on Etsy
I discovered the artist through a Tumblr newsletter, of all things.
I love his work, he's got a great sense of twisted humor.

And now some Tom:

Blue or pink? How is your Valentine's shaping up?
Don't get all maudlin, link instead!

Every Wednesday morning the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Wednesday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: Facebook (set it on Public),
Instagram (use -- IG won't work), Flickr, etc.

Please be polite, add a link back to this post.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Diane von Furstenberg at LACMA West

The Journey of a Dress, Diane von Furstenberg's show celebrating the 40th anniversary of her wrap dress is a riot of pattern -- my idea of a good time!
After going down a pink hallway, full of poster-sized enlargements of early ads and celebrities in The Wrap, you enter a cavernous mirrored room full of many iterations of the concept.
Ambient disco plays pleasantly in the background and you are allowed to take as many photos as you wish.
This design is part of a 2014 limited edition collaboration with the Andy Warhol Foundation
Triple pattern mix and unusual triangular style lines
Sporty trims
"Oh. Hello!"
I was delighted to find the free photo booth, sponsored by Hive Social Lab.
You just had to add #journeyofadress to your photo in Instagram.
Then this lovely gal set up the printing.
Et voila!
If you are in near LA's Miracle Mile, I strongly suggest going!
With free admission, the show is up until 4/1/14.
More info on DVF's site here.

Linking up with Patti's Visible Monday
Seeker's Tres Chic Style Bits.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

52 Pick-me-up: Go Dotty


Dots are this week's theme.

If you are regular, you are well aware of the many dotted socks that I own.
You've also seen this skirt a lot.

Glamor shot, so that I can join Style Crone's Hat Attack:
 I'm still swamped with work, so I'll keep this short. Got dots?

Post anything with dots, all month.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible. If IG, tag it #spygirldotparty

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Short Over Long, Long Story Short

Still trying to work out something Short over Long, for this week's 52 Pick-me-up challenge.
This combination includes the top that I tried to wear on Tuesday [Wednesday's post]. I gave it another go on Wednesday.
It got no further than this photo.

Here's what I actually wore to work:
I match the neighbor's tangerine tree!
Poor thing, it needs water. It has the tiniest tangerines -- they're about 3/4" in diameter.
seedy and sour!
Link-up is still live until 2/5, 5:30am PST.
Got something short over long?

Every Wednesday morning the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Wednesday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: Facebook (set it on Public),
Instagram (use -- IG won't work), Flickr, etc.

Please be polite, add a link back to this post.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)