Wednesday, February 12, 2014

52 Pick-me-up: In the Pink? Or is Valentine's Making You Blue?

Organized holidays try my patience.
Hence the blueness.
Not really, I found so many things that coordinated with these new chenille socks that I bought at the 98¢ and Up Depot for $1.98. I opted for more blues than pinks.

Despite my dislike of Valentine's, I'll do my best to be a good girlfriend.
I'll be in Palm Springs on 2/14 but I have a GREAT card all set to give to Severo:
alternatehistories on Etsy
I discovered the artist through a Tumblr newsletter, of all things.
I love his work, he's got a great sense of twisted humor.

And now some Tom:

Blue or pink? How is your Valentine's shaping up?
Don't get all maudlin, link instead!