Saturday, July 29, 2017

Meet and Mend in Seattle
Friday, August 11, 2-4pm

I'll be in Seattle the second week of August.
[Embarking on one of my cRaZy road trips. See my On the Edge blog for details and updates].
I was wondering how to meet up with friends in the region.
Since I had such a blast at last week's mending workshop...
Bella of Citizen Rosebud, ErnieK of Ernie K Designs, and I are joining forces and will be hosting a "Meet and Mend".
What the heck is that? you ask.
Fixing stuff instead of throwing it away! In a group situation!
Same idea as a knitting circle or a quilting bee.
Busy hands and camaraderie!
I thought it'd be a different and fun way to gather people vs eating or shopping.
Mending at CAFAM, 7/23/17
Don't worry about weak hand sewing skills. Bring something that needs a button! (We ALL have some of those, right?) There will be some EXPERTS on hand to help solve your mending problems. ErnieK is promising "tubs" of supplies(!). I'm liberating some fabrics from my stash. 
Please leave the carpentry projects for another day -- we'll be working with our hands on soft goods (fabrics, yarns, etc). Don't bring things that require machinery, nails, hammering, and/or smelly glue.

When: Friday, August 11, 2-4pm
Where: VENUE CHANGED! 2720 3rd Ave, Seattle 98121 Le Merde, 7315 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, 98103
Bring: Clothing that needs repair. Hate sewing? Bring yourself -- we'd love to have you join the conversation!
Cost: FREE!
Hope to see you there!

(Linkup closed)

Monday, July 24, 2017

Slow Clothing and Mending at #CAFAM

Yesterday, I attended two related events at the Craft and Folk Art Museum that I found very transformative.

Here is what I took:
My huipil with the shredded shoulder and a [way too large a] pile of possible fabrics for patching.
Here is some of what I took in:
From Kath and Kim of The Possibility Project
Along with her short slide lecture, Ruth brought along some examples of her Visible Mending to inspire us:
Vest back and detail
Sweater (shown sideways)
I could have sat and stared at Ruth's huipil for a long time...
But it was time to get stitching!
I opted for the panty with a print that I designed and red embroidery floss.
Done! I call this Chaos Stitching -- decisions made in a flash, permission granted to dive right into it.
One of my main reasons for attending was to sit around a table with a bunch of others, stitching.
It was as wonderful as I'd hoped.
Feeling mended!
Final quote from Ruth:

Thank you so much, Kath, Kim, Ruth, and CAFAM!

I'm linking up with
Patti's Visible Monday
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #SaturdayShareLinkUp

Friday, July 21, 2017

Summer Fun: July Update

So about that list I posted June 21st:

Weekly Goals: 

Sew and/or repair at least one garment. 1/4 [1 = item count, 4 = weeks]
My Redbubble #dailytruck dress was uncomfortable at the armholes -- it was finished with bias tape.
[Probably should have gone up another size].
I cut off the binding, overlocked the edges, then turned it under and hand sewed.
Repair made so could wear dress at art reception
Garment fixes for specific events usually happen, unlike all the other repairs lurking in Repair Mountain.
List at least one garment on Poshmark 5/4 [links go to items for sale. You need to sign up to see content]
Severo's Jeans
Vintage Jantzen Swim Trunks
Dotty Keds (so sad they don't fit)
Stripy Keds (I'm so over my brief sneaker insanity) 
Vintage Carpenter Shorts (how can the 90s be twenty years ago? How?)
and one on Trendlistr [if I can ever get back into the site, that is]. NOPE, didn't even try.

Upload new art to Redbubble. 1/4
Not any of the Fluevog prints, sad to say (that was my goal).
However, used Redbubble for my #dailytruck x 313 wall hanging and wanted a matching dress for the reception! (As mentioned above).

Summer Goals:

Get taxes done. NOT YET STARTED

DeClutter the living room (again). STARTED. 
Was looking for art (not yet found) and the 52 Blogger book (found). In addition, Mr Lou barfed on the table, which "inspired" me to clear it off FAST.
"I got her to get stuff off the table. I will now nap."
Get sewing machine repaired. NOT YET

Funny how going over a list like this inspires some last minute chore activity!
How are your summer projects going?
Here are progress reports from fellow Summer Challenge participants:

Sunday, July 16, 2017

What to Wear To an Art Show

If you are the artist, instead of tried and true black, how about matching the art?
[in-phone collage with screen capture from video] 
This is me, "wafting":

This is the art, wafting:

July 11 - August 5, 2017

TAG Gallery
5458 Wilshire Blvd, LA, CA 90036

Reception: Saturday, July 15, 5-8pm
Artist Panel Discussion: Saturday, August 5, 4pm
Closing Reception: Saturday, August 5, 6-9pm

Linking up with
Patti's Visible Monday
Catherine's #iwillwearwhatilike
Shelbee's On the Edge of the Week
Rena's In Real Life

Friday, July 14, 2017

What To Wear To Hang an Art Show

I'm kidding.
It's a dirty, unglamorous job -- wear comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes (because you might drop a hammer on your foot. Not that I did, but it was a definite possibility).
It would have been A LOT more difficult without the help of this guy, Severo.

Start with an empty space.

Rough arrangement of the art.

Pressing the giant wall hanging.

#dailytruck x 313 is hung!

In progress. 

I tasked Severo with hanging all the framed pieces.

Then he mounted my show lettering. I'm afraid of heights and I hate climbing on that green ladder.

Severo switched out all the old, nasty, halogen lights to LCDs. He insisted on doing it. I'm glad!

What I wore. My "art" huipil.
This became a "studio" garment after I sat in a big blob of pine pitch one summer in Idyllwild.
It's a very loose weave, so is ideal more hot, messy situations.

Done, as much as possible -- I was still waiting on 20 pieces to arrive from the photo lab.

REALLY HAPPY about finishing. It was 11pm.
 The art arrived Tuesday and I installed the rest on Wednesday morning before work.
Almost the same outfit minus sturdy shoes.

3 rows is better than 1 row.

This time I'm really done.

Panorama of the #dailytruck section of the exhibition
July 11 - August 5, 2017

TAG Gallery
5458 Wilshire Blvd, LA, CA 90036

Reception: Saturday, July 15, 5-8pm
Artist Panel Discussion: Saturday, August 5, 3pm

Linking up with Shelbee's On the Edge
Catherine's #SaturdayShareLinkup

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Every Day in June

I discovered the Sentence a Day project through my blogging pal Jodie, of Jodie's Touch of Style.
The brain child of Sarah of Foxy's Domestic Side, it has grown into a group that links up their monthly recaps.
I'm using a phone journaling app called Day One. There is also a computer version, but it's not playing nicely with the phone app data. So I sent myself a PDF of June's entries and made screenshots. All the text below is part of the images, which makes it hard to read, I know.

Oh geez, this is taking so long...
I'll post what I have, then update later. DONE! [7/10]
A little thing called an art exhibition took priority over everything!

Check out the Daily Sentences of others: