Monday, April 24, 2017

A World of My Own

We interrupt our usual programming for some words from Severo:

Come one, come all!
Step into the famous East West Studios, where the likes of Frank Sinatra, the Rolling Stones, and both Elvises have trod.

Behold Studio 1's massive 80 channel Neve board, originally commissioned for recording Michael Jackson's Thriller album.
(no actual knobs were touched in the taking of this photo)
What is that swirl of activity behind me, outside the inner sanctum?

It's a CD release/ listening party for this guy:
Derrick Anderson!
His first solo CD, "A World Of My Own" is a sparkly collection of pop gems.
[non-affiliate link to Amazon]
Oh look, SpyGirl even showed up:
There were a few Friends of Derrick there:
[image stolen from Jim Laspesa]
Fantastic fun, it was a 90-00's LA Pop scene reunion.
Congratulations to Derrick and thank you Jim for hosting such a fabulous bash.

We'll let Derrick have the [almost] last word:

Linking up with
Patti's Visible Monday
Catherine's #iwillwearwhatilike
Shelbee's On the Edge of the Week

Monday, April 17, 2017

Taking a Bad Group Selfie, Take Two

Yes, it takes at least two to make a bad group selfie, and Silvana and I have been practicing.

The Poppy Reserve debacle you've seen.

Here are our other outings around LA's west side from the past week.
At the Getty:
[photo by Silvana]
Things got a bit blurry at McCabes, where we saw Thee Holy Brothers and Evie Sands:
Here we are yesterday, eating our very unfancy Easter lunch at Zankou:
Then we went to the Fowler Museum at UCLA, to see the exhibition of African Textiles.
Perhaps we became drunk on pattern joy...
The Fowler has an inner courtyard with a fountain. We cavorted.
Posing is hard, people!
Better, but terrible quality photo from the point and shoot. Its day of retirement looms.
Silvana wanted us with the fountain.
Lovely. But no fountain. [photo by Silvana]
There it is! [photo by Silvana]
I saved you the best/worst for last:
I call it "Fountain and Foreheads" [photo by Silvana]
I had so much fun with Silvana. She leaves returns home to Australia later this week.
I hope to see her again (IRL) soon!

Linking up with Patti's Visible Monday
Catherine's #saturdaysharelinkup

Sunday, April 9, 2017

How To Take a Bad Group Selfie

You can practice in a mirror:
Keep in mind, no mirrors at your destination!

Find a good background and gather your friends:
Poppies in background: check.
Ruth: check.
Where's Silvana?

Over there

OK then, here we all are!
Niiiiice photo, Silvana.

This was part one of my expedition to Lancaster with Silvana of @embellish-or-perish and Ruth.
For part two, we went to MOAH, to view shoes by Chris Francis (among other things).

Linking up with Patti's Visible Monday
Catherine's #iwillwearwhatilike
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness

Thursday, April 6, 2017

#tbt Themeless Link

Post whatever you want this month, as long as it's something OLD.
I'm too busy working too many blog challenges and going to too many events to think up a themed linkup!
My walk down memory lane...

First blog, first post:

Second blog, second post:

Third blog, third post:

Fourth blog, fourth post:

Fifth blog, fifth post:
Sixth blog, sixth post:
Seventh blog, seventh post:
Enough, already!

Your turn:

The Themeless #tbt linkup will be live until I think up a new theme.
The prompt:
Any OLD post, Instagram, etc.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the prompt -- old posts included!

Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram, Facebook (set image on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!
Be sure to link to your specific post or image. Links to your general Instagram page, website, or blog are no help to anyone (except you).

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible.
On old blog posts, this can be accomplished by editing your post.

Random linkups not related to the theme may be deleted.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:


Add your link

( Submissions are open )

Sunday, April 2, 2017

SpyGirl Meets #AdvancedStyle Gods and Goddesses

Goddess alert: Suzi, Louise (hostess with the mostest!), Barni, Gretchen 
Louise Green hosted a party in her beautiful Santa Monica home for visiting Advanced Stylista Silvana.

All I can say is WOW!

I met Mr. Advanced Style himself, Ari Seth Cohen:
Louise and Jeanne with the yummy array of treats:
I gave Silvana the turquoise tunic that Pao (Project Minima) had made me -- Silvana quickly changed into it, and doesn't she look glorious?
Pao, I think your tunic found the perfect canvas!
Double mirror selfie:
[Silvana took a better one]
As the golden hour approached, Ari jumped into action:
Gretchen, Suzi, Ari, Irene, Monster Truck
Silvana is here from Australia for about three weeks. On Tuesday, she, Ruth, and I are adventuring up to Lancaster to see the poppies and then the exhibition at MOAH. Stay tuned!

I want to again thank Louise and her husband Lawrence for opening up their home to us all.
It was an unforgettable experience!

Here are everyone's Instagram links:
Louise @louisegreenmillinery
Ari @advancedstyle
Silvana  @embellish_or_perish
Suzi @suziclick
Barni (private acct, so won't post link) 
Gretchen @schieldsg
Jeanne @littletreasuresvintage2
Irene @irene_coyazo

Speaking of links, I'm linking this up with Patti's Visible Monday,
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #saturdayshare

Happy Sunday, everyone! 
I gotta go be Enid now, she's over on the Pattern Recognition blog this year.