Saturday, June 29, 2024

Crazy Quilt Dossier: 6.29 Fiorucci Patch and Bear Patch



To cover the navy rayon bamboo print patch, I wanted something with red...
Rummaging through my "Red" scraps bag, I found a favorite Fiorucci shirt that I bought in the 80s.
It is super faded, but then I looked at the inside...

Nice and bright!
On the right side, I used a kid's conversational print patch. This came from a weird tiny garment bag that Larry let me have.

I also added some needle weaving, here's a closeup:

Friday, June 28, 2024

Crazy Quilt Dossier: 6.28 Marni Patch

 Before we get to the patch work, let's pause for a cuppa

The colors of the Russel Wright china matches the star graphics perfectly!
I was sad to see those holes in the top star (thanks/no thanks to Lou the cat).
This patch came from a tee that I purchased at Canal Jeans (NYC, RIP) in 1996 and wore when I went on safari in Tanzania that fall.

Visible mend or patch?
This came from a Marni dress that I got from Mel in a clothing swap at a blogger meetup in Vancouver BC in 2015.
The dress was always too small (I grabbed it for the print) and I deconstructed it before COVID.
Admittedly, this bit came to mind because it had escaped the Mending Bag and was on the floor in plain sight.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Crazy Quilt Dossier: 6.26 Friend Patch Visible Mends

Laurey created this patch for the Mend and Make Friends 2023 patch exchange.
We were patch pairs.
I decided to add it to the quilt, and I don't remember what I covered up.

This is the patch in March 2023 before it went on the quilt

Fast forward 15 months, it now looks like this
worse for wear, as they say
First I worked on the sad orange circle, lower right
French Knots! Blanket Stitching!
Then I decided to do preventative mending on all the other raw edges
It's a Bonanza of Blanket Stitching!
We'll see how this lasts.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Crazy Quilt Dossier: 6.24 Needle Weaving

 I covered up the Harris Tweed (next to the Old Faithful patch).

It was a scrap from a sport coat that I made for the wasbund senior year at Otis.
Lisa twinned with me, for her husband Tim. (I wonder if he still has his?)
During the project, we learned hand tailoring techniques.
That jacket was like armor! Not really suitable for the SoCal climate.


The needle weaving totally covered it.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Crazy Quilt Dossier: 6.22 Visible Mend


Begone damn spot!
That stain was driving me nuts.
It was at the top edge of the quilt and I saw every time I was in bed.
A nice little visible mend.
I want to mention the "flag" bark cloth print above the mend.
This came from a vintage skirt that I purchased in Providence circa 1979-81.
The patch came from excess when I shorted the hem.
Though it no longer fits, I still have the skirt, somewhere in the giant mending bag.
I like the print too much to release it.

Crazy Quilt Dossier: 2024 Repairs


The quilt in 2020
It's quilt mending season, when it's too hot to have the quilt on the bed.
Last summer, it spent the entire summer draped on the living room coffee table, and I don't think I did a lick of stitching.

I will do better this year!

On the table, ready to mend
Random restitching patch joins are not worth documenting, but when it gets to new patches and/or visible mending (embroidery), I'm going to go into before/afters and my textile memories.

Older posts about the quilt can be found via this link