Sunday, June 30, 2019

Rainbow Connection

I donned all the Rainbow Things:
And went over to bG Gallery to hear a talk by Lynn Segerblom aka Faerie Argyle Rainbow, the woman involved with the creation of the original Rainbow Flags flown for the 1978 Gay Freedom Day Parade in San Francisco.
Lynn doing a mock [waterless] dying demo. Prints of her paintings are on the right wall.
Explaining how she dyed the stars.
Small mockup.
This photo from 1978 shows the scale of the flags -- 30 x 60 feet.
They flew for just one day for the parade.
Lynn's Star Flag (on left) was stolen in 1979 and has never been seen since.
Link to an LA Times article from 2018.

The rainbow theme is carried throughout bG Gallery, with the sixth annual Spectrum Gestalt exhibition, up until July 6, 2019. The salon-style group show of 80 artists has the art arranged chromatically. View the artworks here.

Linking up with
Patti's Visible Monday
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #iwillwearwhatilike

Saturday, June 29, 2019

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Remember doing those summer vacation reports in grade school? Me neither.

I'm doing this more for me than for you. I'll be writing more detailed posts on my various blogs. This is functioning as my Table of Contents and link center (adding links as posts are written). You're welcome to come along for the ride!

I mended (until I dropped my seam ripper under my seat) and sketched.

Getting from Boston to Providence was an adventure. More on that later.

A short and wonderful visit with Patucci and Mark, including perusing the Repair and Design Futures at the RISD Museum [museum link] (closes 6/30/19)
My long post about it link.
A few tense moments chasing the box of art, which I picked up at the Post Office as I was leaving town:

Rendezvoused with Annie at her sweet cabin.
Finished customizing the tiaras for our 45th high school reunion parade.
Covered a random princess (on Annie) and Hello Kitty (on me) with our school's founder, Emma Willard
Got the art out of the box and affixed to foam core for display at the reunion.
More on the art on the On the Edge blog.
Troy, NY
As mentioned, 45th reunion. A small, yet mighty gathering of the class of '74
Ready for the Parade of Classes [photo by Liz Westbrook '75]
Severo showed up Saturday night and he joined us for the Class Dinner:

Barneveld, NY
A few days at Mom's, plus museum visits.
Meetup with Shelbee and Sons at The Adirondack Experience!
Writeup link here.
Tiffany exhibit at the Munson Williams Proctor Institute (through September 8, 2019)
It seemed that every time we were in transit, it rained. The drive from Barneveld to Newark was especially harrowing -- Severo almost hit a deer on US17, a six lane highway.

William Greenberg Desserts, the Met, shopping -- an ideal day in the city.

Met Camp exhibition (through September 8, 2019) for her:
Richard Quinn AW18-19
Met Play It Loud exhibition (through October 1, 2019) for him:
Posing with Lennon's Rickenbacker
Gluttony East link
Dessert Gluttony link

Aerial views and Procreate patterns:

Have a vacation planned? Summer at home? Link!

Linking up with
Patti's Visible Monday
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #ShareAllLinkup
Ageless Style Linkup

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Fluevog Dress Visits Fluevog Manhattan

I just returned home from a wonderful two week trip East.
Many, many different meetups and museums -- eventually I hope to write about them all.

Today, it's all about The Dress and its debut at Fluevog Manhattan:
Photo by Paul, who sent it to John Fluevog, who responded: "Does she do those drawings herself?"
I posed with the Investigator, as it's one of the styles sketched in the repeat.
From the 2017 Fluevog Sketch series. See the entire set on Pattern Recognition
To commemorate this auspicious occasion, I (finally) made an individual Investigator sketch that's available on Redbubble (I get a commission for purchases):
Fluevog website Investigator link
In addition, I wore The Dress yesterday to an event that I chauffeured Ruth to in Pasadena.
My Fluevog Peacemakers pair perfectly with The Dress.
I obtained them on Fluevog Day at the Abbot Kinney store.
Here is The Dress link.
Don't forget -- I've got a Summer-long Link-up Party happening.
Link as much as you'd like. The more the merrier.

Linking up with
Patti's Visible Monday
Catherine's #iwillwearwhatilike
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness

Monday, June 10, 2019

A Road Trip into the Past

I did something crazy this weekend. No, I mean outside the box CRAZY, not my normal crazy.
I drove 300 miles chauffeuring an old friend and his dad to a school reunion in Ojai.
If you follow my socials, you've seen bits and pieces of the trip.
Here it is, all in one place, with some context. Beware, it's a long, convoluted journey blog post!

Meet Carmaig de Forest:
Meet his dad, Kellam de Forest:
It was Kellam's 75th school reunion at Thacher School, in Ojai. He wanted to attend.
Carmaig lives in Seattle and was able to fly down to help him get there.
"But what about transport?" pondered Carmaig. "Rent a car? Oh wait, there's Anne, she might do it!"
Indeed I did.

Kellam is the son of Lockwood de Forest Jr, who was a landscape architect well known in Santa Barbara.
Lockwood was the son of Lockwood de Forest, an artist and designer, who knew my Great Great Uncle Howard Russell Butler. Both of them held painter Frederick Church as a mentor. (An interesting coincidence, both of their sons became landscape architects, one in Santa Barbara, one in Princeton, NJ).

After picking up Carmaig in Pacific Palisades, we drove up PCH, making our way to Santa Barbara to fetch Kellam. Before heading to Ojai, we took a detour to the de Forest property on Todos Santos Lane.  < Click on that link -- it's historical info about the property.
It has now gone through two owners since Kellam sold it, but the de Forest name is still on the lane entry sign.
The current owner has made significant changes to the interior of the home (and why the house was completely open with no workers on site was a bit disconcerting to this Los Angelina). The gardens have been neglected, but there are traces of its former glory.
The original bird bath.
View from the house -- the trees have grown above the original vista of the Santa Ynez mountains.
On to Ojai. But first some more history. Scroll down to the next photo if I'm boring you.
We took CA150, the twisty route that I used to take to Thacher when I was going to College of Creative Studies at UC Santa Barbara. You see, my senior year at Emma Willard (in Troy, NY), 30 Thacher Juniors (boys) came to our school (girls) on an exchange program. THAT was a bit wild, for both sides of the equation! I became good buddies with Carmaig and Harrison. When I narrowed down my college choices to either Nova Scotia College of Art and Design or CCS, I chose California. It was 3000 miles away from my family (a good thing, in my adolescent mind) and I at least had some friends within range. I knew no one in Halifax.
My apartment that I ended up renting in Isla Vista was horribly depressing (a 60's era motel mid-conversion into apartments. Mine was still a motel room). Almost every weekend that first fall quarter, I was up at Thacher, staying with a faculty member, and hanging out with Harrison and Carmaig. But by spring '75, I had finally made some friends at UCSB and had "moved on" in the boyfriend department (I performed one of those awful restaurant breakups with Harrison. Sorry, Harrison). I lost touch with the Thacher boys.
Fast forward 20 years.
I reconnected with Carmaig in the late '90s -- he was now a singer-songwriter doing solo performances on the ukulele. Severo and I saw him at The Knitting Factory in Hollywood, and get this -- Severo knew Carmaig too! He had played with Carmaig! (The connections are getting pretty tangled, right?) We became Facebook friends, kept the reconnection alive, and in 2015 I did a de Forest road trip, accompanying Carmaig from LA to Seattle. You can read about that look at art from it here.

Back to June 2019.
At Thacher, on the track.
Finally an outfit photo, right? Thank you for indulging me my detour down memory lane.
Carmaig told me I was in the photo and a made a silly face. I am not a lizard trying to catch bugs.
Posing with the 1974 sign was a must.
My own school reunion is next week.
Pretty table setting.
At Thacher's reunions, each class picks a speaker to give a toast for their class.
Kellam was the only '44 alum attending and gave a moving toast.
That's a wrap.
Carmaig and I overnighted at his mother-in-law's home in Montecito. I took him to LAX the next day. I might go more into intersections and connections with Carmaig's family (because there are connections with his wife Diana too!), but that's enough for now. I gotta pack for my own high school reunion, I leave tomorrow AM!

Going on any road trips this summer? Did one in the past?
Link it up on my Summertime Link Party! I think I'll extend it to ALL SUMMER!

Doing my own linking with
Patti's Visible Monday
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #shareAllLinkup

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Summertime Goals

I was linking up old Summer-themed posts to this month's Link Party (see below to add yours) and a few of the posts that came up were a Summer Goals link up from two years ago (it went on all summer. Here's the August  2017 wrap-up post). What's kind of eerie is these copy/pasted goals (in green) work equally well for me now (with only one item deleted that is no longer viable and some new additional Daily Goals).
Is that good or bad?
Me in the shirt dress, Severo's 50th birthday surprise party, 9/2005 . Sold on Poshmark 31 hours after listing, 6/2019
Daily Goals (new):
Do a Daily Drawing.
Create a new Waterlogue from old road trip photos.
Post a piece of art on Saatchi Art.

Weekly Goals:
Sew and/or repair at least one garment.
List at least one garment item on Poshmark
Upload new art to Redbubble.
Sew one patch onto Crazy Quilt (new).

Summer Goals:
Get taxes done.
DeClutter the living room (again).
Get sewing machine repaired. (how many years has this been broken now?)

Do you have any sort of "To Do" list for Summer? Or maybe a "Honey Do" list?
I'll report back at the end of the month, progress or not.

Get out your summertime gear and get linking!
(not just outfits -- anything summery is encouraged)

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Very Visible!

I have achieved a new high of visibility. And I coordinate with this painting by Raffi Kalenderian perfectly:
I'm standing in front of "Bernard" 2019
[photo by Dean]
Rafi's show at Susan Vielmetter is a riot of color and pattern. Like me!

I loved how this room was hung:
[click on image to embiggen]
Check this out.
Painting on left:
Raffi Kalenderian, Robert, Bob and Seymour, 2019
Painting on right:
Raffi Kalenderian, Shanti Reading, 2019
Do you see what he did? Look in the mirror!

I cruised the galleries in Culver City with Lani, Dean, and Judy on Saturday.
We had a great day. Will post more images on my art blog, later.

Linking up with
Patti's Visible Monday
Catherine's #iwillwearwhatilike
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Summertime Link Party

It's June 1st, I turn Level 63 on 6/3 and let's party!
I got this "Level" thing from a funny Instagram post:

I'm looking forward to a trip east in 11 days (but who's counting? Haha).
I'm still trying to figure out how to get from Providence RI to Vermont. (Renting a car).
I'm also supposed to finish an oil painting that I haven't started. (Sigh).
Nope. My recipient made the fatal mistake of saying "don't worry about finishing the painting".
Does doing a Waterlogue count? No.
Fripp Island Beach, South Carolina
Get out your summertime gear and get linking!
(not just outfits -- anything summery is encouraged)

Linking up with
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness
Catherine's #shareAllLinkup