Monday, May 28, 2018

#100daysofsole and Me

I've been featured!
100 Days of Sole is a project comprising of "daily stories told from the intersection of footwear and identity". I was all set to include the site in a post about "my latest Instagram crushes" or "my many obsessions distractions" or some such. And, while I was busy at a handwork workshop, it transpired that Kelsy contacted me to be a part of it! WooHoo!

After great deliberation, I decided upon the above hand painted Indian Buffalo Sandals, which I photographed on my block printing experiments and collaged over the paisley block printed on striped cotton lawn. To read my story, you'll have to go to Instagram!

Then it was time to conjure up an outfit for this post.
On a whim, I tried on a pair of golden baroque lounge pants from work.
(I was involved with working on this print, but not this version of it).
I had them in one of my "to repurpose" boxes. How many months have I been walking past them?
They're work's sample size small, and I assumed that they wouldn't fit.
Well, as long as my stomach and butt are covered, they are fine!
I can't wait to wear these to a summer pool party.
Oh yeah, I attend those all the time!
I tried hiking up the pants to show the sandals without much success.
You can see how the layers of the sole are starting to separate.
Close up, highlighting Patucci's painting.
How did I discover 100 Days of Sole?
Through Richard Haines, the fashion illustrator who inspired me to take up fashion sketching again!
The Instagram algorithm gods smiled on me yesterday.

Linking with Patti's Visible Monday
Catherine's #iwillwearwhatilike
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness

Forgot to mention! Post #1000 for SpyGirl!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

#MeMadeMay Week 3, Mending Mishap

Not all my mending goes smoothly. I tried a quick fix on another tunic with a too-wide neck and here's what happened:
Weird poufs in the middle of my shoulder seams.
This is one of my rare tunics where I turned back and sewed the edges on the neckline.
I'm not claiming it's an excellent sewing job. It's adequate. 
Fixing this one will require ripping out machine stitching at the neckline and resewing the shoulder seams.
That won't be happening soon, so I will endure it falling off my shoulders for now.
Old in-phone photo collage from last September.
This photo is probably the one that helped me decide to add sleeves:
With Kelly at my art exhibition, #myshittycommute April 2016

#dailytrucks with One Orange Door
left: circa 2016 .  right: 5.23.18
#dailytruck is an Instagram series that I can't seem to stop and has resulted in two art shows so far.
And now you know how easily I'm distracted and why the I have Mending Mountain.

Linking up with Patti's Visible Monday

Sunday, May 13, 2018

#MeMadeMay Week 2: Tunic Rehabs

These items are NOT from Repair/Repurpose Mountain.
Instead, it was adding a tiny bit of hand sewing that made me love them all over again.

First, the green stripe rayon tunic.
It kept sliding off my shoulders and driving me batty.
The problem? Neck hole too wide!
A simple 2" in at the shoulder on both sides and my sanity was restored.
"This tunic matches my eyes. Yes, I'll pose with it."
Next, the Japanese kimono textile:
I'm "backstage" at the Palm Desert Civic Center Amphitheater.
Severo had a gig with The Pettybreakers. It was 106ºF.
I found this a good print for disguising spilled guacamole.
Write up on the Glutton blog soon.
And last, the BOOM! tunic, which I tolerated at work in order to be extra festive for the Otis Senior Exhibition after work.
The Chico's ombre dot scarf, acquired last year, pairs perfectly with the tunic.
At Otis. Couldn't figure out the student who created this mirror piece.
Linking up with Patti's Visible Monday
Catherines #iwillwearwhatilike

Oh yeah, DOTS!

Post anything with dots, all month.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible. If IG, tag it #spygirldotparty

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

PSA: #MyTealTicket for Food Allergies

Meet Katie Parkins, 14, creator of MyTealTicket.

In her own words:
"My name is Katie Parkins, and I am 14 years old. I was first diagnosed with life-threatening food allergies when I was 3. Since then, I have found it challenging to eat at restaurants due to my food allergies. When I was twelve, I came up with the idea of MyTealTicket.
MyTealTicket is a restaurant order form that alerts the staff of your specific food allergies. MyTealTicket was launched in July of 2017. Since then, I have been presenting at FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) Teen Summits, being interviewed on WGN, NEWSY, WTMJ, appearing in Allergic Living Magazine, and other media outlets."

When you use MyTealTicket, you are protecting yourself, and you are raising money and awareness for food allergy research. Part of the proceeds go to FARE.

[I'm using copy sent by a PR firm]

Linking up with Catherine's #SaturdayShareLinkup

Monday, May 7, 2018

#MeMadeMay '18 Week 1 -- Buttons

I blame Pao of Project Minima. She tempted me into this.
Last week, I signed an intention statement over on So, Zo's page:
[Now that I reread my statement, I might not be exactly following it this week. Oops].

This week I tackled the pile of shirts that need buttons replaced.
First, this shirt of Severo's:
Os are missing buttons, Xs are extras that I can move.
I really like the print on this. Even though it's made up of squares, it looks like dots.

Fixed! It only took ten minutes! And how long was it sitting in a To-Do pile?
I won't say!
Totally pretend outfit. Perhaps will wear tomorrow!
Next up, the African explosion shirt:
I gave this to Severo, then took it back.
I'm holding it closed where the button is missing because I haven't fixed it yet.
Linking up with Patti's Visible Monday

We're still on the Dots Month Linkup. Let's see those dots, new, old, whatever!
My skirt has dots, don't give me any grief.

Post anything with dots, all month.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible. If IG, tag it #spygirldotparty

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May Lost and Found

There was that time I said I'd start doing a Lost and Found series.
[Words of warning: if I say "stay tuned" I think that files the idea into a fog of forgetfulness]. 

I wrote:
"Every time I'm looking for one thing, I find something else, something I've often COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT! Usually it's a happy discovery. So, my plan is to document: 

1) what I was (or still am) looking for
2) what I found
Get ready for many "interesting" discoveries!"

There was also a time when I did regular link-up posts. The link-ups were always themed because I thought it would be more interesting. I suppose I also like bossing people around (I AM the eldest of four, so it's ingrained). When Rena and I met up at the Poshmark Live Party last month, she said how much she enjoyed my link-ups.

I FOUND this post recently, over on my Pattern blog (can't remember what I was searching for):
It has a really fun group of link-ups, and I'm resurrecting it!
As you can see in the screenshot above, it's a link-up from FOUR years ago. I'm including the original links. And the links post randomly! Fun, yes?

Get your dots on and join in!

Post anything with dots, all month.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible. If IG, tag it #spygirldotparty

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)