Friday, July 31, 2015

More Joy!

I had the worst laughing hangover after this weekend. I don't regret one minute of it.

The top secret spy captures can be found here. "On the hush hush, and very QT"

Over and out!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Utter Joy

The 40+ Blogger Meetup in Vancouver. An amazing adventure!
I would love to spend all day decompressing, getting my photos organized and up on Flickr, blogging.
Alas, I must return to reality, i.e., work.

These two sum it all up in a visual:
Ally, Shybiker and Shawna, The Director of Awesome 
And look! They are wearing RASPBERRY!
[Is that Melanie, Bag and a Beret, reflected in the window caught in the process of bagging them?]

Raspberry / Perfection / Friendship -- link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with a prompt -- old posts included!

Almost any image with a URL may be added: Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set image on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!
Be sure to link to your specific post or image. Links to your general Instagram page, website, or blog are no help to anyone (except you).

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible.
On old posts, this can be accomplished by editing your post.

Random linkups not related to the theme will be deleted.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:


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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Quote of the Day meets Noteography

We are social creatures to the inmost centre of our being. The notion that one can begin anything at all from scratch, free from the past, or unindebted to others, could not conceivably be more wrong.
          Karl Popper, 1902 - 1994

Three things:
Quotes of the day come from
Fancy formatted text for your social media from the Notegraphy app.
My Notegraphy album is here.

You're welcome.

Monday, July 27, 2015

SpyCam: Vancouver 40+ Blogger Meetup

An Amuse Bouche from the past weekend:
More to come, when I'm not trying to blog from the phone!

[Added later]
Who did iSpy?

Sylvia, 40+ Style
Pat, Project Minima
Vancouver Barbara (no blog)
Tiina, Elegance Revisited
Shawna, The Director of Awesome
Ally, Shybiker
Greetje, No Fear of Fashion
Melanie, Bag and a Beret
Suzanne [standing], Suzanne Carillo
Sue, A Colorful Canvas
Patti, Not Dead Yet Style
Sheila (pose award), Ephemera

Sunday, July 26, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Raspberry / Perfection / Friendship

This very vibrant dress has been getting social.

It met Maricel in Claremont, as mentioned last week.
photo by Susie Eaton Thorp at her gallery Bunny Gunner
artwork by Karen Karlsson
It crossed international borders and went to the 40+ blogger meetup in Vancouver, BC
With Sheila of  Ephemera and Pao of Project Minima
photo by Suzanne Carillo (source)
Dare I say that it's a perfect friend?

Raspberry / Perfection / Friendship -- link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with a prompt -- old posts included!

Almost any image with a URL may be added: Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set image on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!
Be sure to link to your specific post or image. Links to your general Instagram page, website, or blog are no help to anyone (except you).

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible.
On old posts, this can be accomplished by editing your post.

Random linkups not related to the theme will be deleted.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:


(Linkup closed)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

SpyCam: Our Lady of Klamath Falls

Spice of the Pilot Truck Stop
Posh on top, Sporty on bottom. With some Scary mixed in for flava.

Note: this was missposted, onto my travel blog, On the Edge: US. Oops!
Blogging from my phone is a challenge!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Rose / Soulmate / Treasure

These are roses from my garden. Super fragrant, I like to turn them into rose petal jam
Roses, the flower of romance.
So why does my rose circle skirt hate me?
Is my love affair with skirts over? Are we no longer soulmates?
This just felt all kinds of wrong. I tried tucking in the shirt and it was even worse. 
Relationships change. It's important to adapt.
Or repurpose, in the case of garments.
So much better, right? 
I hoisted the skirt up to chest level and I like the look. Into the "fix it" pile it goes.

I had a wonderful meetup with Maricel of My Closet Catalogue on Friday in Claremont.
We had become Blogging BFFs over the past year and a half and the stars finally aligned correctly.
We talked of many things, one being the culling of closets (we both are using Poshmark and are finding it a devil's bargain because we are both experiencing greater influx than intended outflow of items. Those Mary Janes up there came from Poshmark).
Anyway, I described this decluttering book I'd read about: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo (I haven't read it yet). The basic premise is to approach an item and ask yourself if you love it and it brings you joy (I'm also taking a Wear Your Joy self-guided e-course that is tackling this concept). Maricel made the astute observation, "What do you do about perceived loved garments vs the reality of them not really looking that great?" [Not a direct quote -- Maricel, do you remember exactly what you said?] It's a quandary. Minimalists would say BANISH. Maricel and I are maximalist Geminis, we let our "precious" treasure linger and build up.
For me, it's an ongoing process and involves repurposing.


Rose red, soulmates, and/or treasure? Link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with a prompt -- old posts included!

Almost any image with a URL may be added: Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set image on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!
Be sure to link to your specific post or image. Links to your general Instagram page, website, or blog are no help to anyone (except you).

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible.
On old posts, this can be accomplished by editing your post.

Random linkups not related to the theme will be deleted.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:


(Linkup closed)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Geranium / Renewal / Regeneration

Fuad Al Ansari "Geranium" from Flickr
Geraniums come in an array of colors. I'm concentrating on the warm coral pink - to - orangey red spectrum for this week's 52 Pick-me-up.
Wearing a favorite tunic, made from antique rayon kimono fabric:

A closie:
sunglasses frames c/o Ditto
The bracelets originate from Burkina Faso and the plastic cording is recycled from prayer mats (see more here).
I'm selling the Sketchers sandals on Poshmark for $5. They are too uncomfortable for my tender feet.
Regeneration: The print on the tunic is now will soon be available on leggings!

Something red, something DIY, something upcycled -- link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with a prompt -- old posts included!

Almost any image with a URL may be added: Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set image on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!
Be sure to link to your specific post or image. Links to your general Instagram page, website, or blog are no help to anyone (except you).

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible.
On old posts, this can be accomplished by editing your post.

Random linkups not related to the theme may be deleted.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:


(Linkup closed)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Transparent / Neutrality

Wear transparent or be transparent? Be neutral or wear neutral?

The interpretation is up to you!

Our new round of 52 Pick-me-up begins. It's all about color and emotions ["Emotions" -- is that the correct term for the words? "Emotive nouns and adjectives"? Help me out English Majors!], and I'm being guided by prompts from Tori Hartman's Chakra Wisdom Oracle, as mentioned yesterday.
I tend to shy away from productive introspection like a startled crab.  I'm doing my best and that's OK.

I was going to sew up something in one of my more gauzy, transparent fabrics for this week's prompt.
I have not gotten very far:
Fear of cutting into fabric anyone?

Share your transparence or neutrality! Link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with a prompt -- old posts included!

Almost any image with a URL may be added: Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set image on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!
Be sure to link to your specific post or image. Links to your general Instagram page, website, or blog are no help to anyone (except you).

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible.
On old posts, this can be accomplished by editing your post.

Random linkups not related to the theme may be deleted.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:


(Linkup closed)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: A Colorful Year

Welcome to Round 3 of the weekly 52 Pick-me-up closet remix challenge!
This year, I'm doing something different and colorful.

I developed the list of prompts from the colors and words associated with Tori Hartman's Chakra Wisdom Oracle. I used both the Guidebook that comes with the card deck and her book Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit. [Full disclosure: Tori gifted me with with both books in June 2015. Amazon links are non-affiliate]. If you would like more in-depth information, I suggest referring to to the Toolkit book. The hues of the colors below are my interpretations of Tori's color names. The words are key words from the card deck's Guidebook. [Prompts 1, 23, and 52 are not from Tori's cards, did not have names, and come from weeks in the Toolkit].

Here's to a color filled year!

•••  1. (7/5) Transparent / Neutrality /
•••  2. (7/12) Geranium / Renewal / Regeneration
•••  3. (7/19) Rose / Soulmate / Treasure
•••  4. (7/26) Raspberry / Perfection / Friendship
•••  5. (8/2) Crimson / Complacency / Daring
•••  6. (8/9) True Red / Insecurity / Bravery
•••  7. (8/16) Pink / Discovery / Journey
•••  8. (8/23) Cherry / Acceptance
•••  9. (8/30) Honey / Service / Loyalty
••• 10. (9/6) Salmon / Self-Worth / Faith
••• 11. (9/13) Amber / Passion 
••• 12. (9/20) Apricot / Guilt / Awakening
••• 13. (9/27) Rust / Impasse
••• 14. (10/4) Carrot / Perseverance
••• 15. (10/11) Sunset / Completion / Achievement
••• 16. (10/18) Sun / Miracle / Reward
••• 17. (10/25) Topaz / Enlightenment / Courage
••• 18. (11/1) Sunflower [originally Daisy] / Joy
••• 19. (11/8) Lemonade / Prayer / Clarity
••• 20. (11/15) Canary / Dissipation / Connection
••• 21. (11/22) Bronze / Facade / Play
••• 22. (11/29) Gold / Abundance / Friendship
• 23. (12/6) Reflection / Integration
••• 24. (12/13) Green Acorn / Victim / Empowerment
••• 25. (12/20) Chartreuse / Gossip / Freedom
••• 26. (12/27) Emerald / Perception / Beauty
••• 27. (1/3) Grass / Growth / Courage
••• 28. (1/10) Pickle/ Grief / Love
••• 29. (1/17) Kelly / Trickery / Greed
••• 30. (1/24) Sage / Wisdom
••• 31. (1/31) Ink Blue / Bittersweet / Poignancy
••• 32. (2/7) Sapphire / Isolation /
••• 33. (2/14) Blueberry / Workaholic / Talent
••• 34. (2/21) Aqua / Vanity / Transformation
••• 35. (2/28) Sky / Expansion / Connection
••• 36. (3/6) Electric Blue / Impatience
••• 37. (3/13) Navy / Quest
••• 38. (3/20) Iris / Despondence
••• 39. (3/27) Aubergine / Mystical / Intuition
••• 40. (4/3) Royal Purple / Faith
••• 41. (4/10) Indigo / Gratitude
••• 42. (4/17) Amethyst / Forgiveness / Belonging
••• 43. (4/24) Lilac / Recovery
••• 44. (5/1) Periwinkle / Balance
••• 45. (5/8) Beige / Impartial / Fairness
••• 46. (5/15) Ivory / Rejection
••• 47. (5/22) Grey / Release / Remission
••• 48. (5/29) White / Instinct
• 49. (6/5) Black & White / Destiny
••• 50. (6/12) Silver / Confusion / Clarity
••• 51. (6/19) Wine / Creation
 52. (6/26) Completion

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted. 
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.
You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram (use via Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!
Random unrelated links may be removed.