Answering 10 questions! This is a fun monthly thing instigated by
Marsha In the Middle.
Marsha got very strident with her questions this month!
1. Tell us about a color you love to wear.
My favorite colors are Cadmium Orange and Chartreuse.
Now, tell us about a color you wouldn’t wear for a million dollars!
I will wear any color for a million dollars, since there is no duration indicated.
2. Share a food you loved when you were a kid, but now you wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole!  |
Freihofer's Chocolate Chip Cookies (source) |
Did they change the formulation? Or did my taste buds mature? Both!
3. Is there something you loved to wear once upon a time, but now you wouldn’t wear it to your worst enemy’s wedding?  |
Bikini Bathing Suits |
4. Spill the tea! What is the flower you want your significant other to buy you?
What flower had better never grace your doorstep?5. When you were a kid, was there a food you absolutely detested, but now you just can’t get enough of it? Not detested, but I was not too fond of Orange Marmalade.
Now I adore it! And make it!
6. Share a book you love, reread, or tell others about.It's about journeying from the Atlantic across the US to the Pacific by BOAT!
Now, let’s hear about a book you wish had never been written!
I don't hate any books that much. Writers gotta write.
Never able to finish Moby-Dick or Ulysses though.
In addition, I don't like William Least Heat-Moon's other books (like Blue Highways) because he's unnecessarily verbose. Somehow, he got it right in River-Horse.
7. Tell us about something your significant other does that makes you go, “Awww…”
He writes the most heart-felt cards for my birthday, Christmas, and our anniversary.
But, what does he/she/they do that drives you up a wall?
His driving scares the beJesus out of me.
8. Time to spill the tea again! What piece of clothing do you love and cherish?
I've Marie Kondoed my closet and I love it all.
What piece of clothing will never ever be in your wardrobe again?
Beige Chinos.
They were the uniform at my first job delivering pizza for Skip Perry's Pizza in Goleta, CA.
Not flattering.
9. Share the holiday you would celebrate often, even every day if you could!
(Shrugs) Too much of a good thing is too much.
Which holiday would you never celebrate again if you had the choice?
I don't like Halloween.
10. Tell us about the modern technological device you’d fight your sister for.
I love my iPhone
But, which device would you toss out the window happily?
The low-end FitBit I bought that doesn't recharge, instead requires batteries.