Wednesday, March 24, 2021

#MendMarch Update

 Yesterday, I actually FINISHED a mend.

Not being able to see what I'm sewing puts a spin on "blind hem".

And then took a selfie in it.

And was too lazy to post it to Instagram (for various technical reasons).

Did you notice my NEW SHOES?!!!!!

Fluevog Iggy
OMG! They are so beautiful!
I tried them on for sizing at Fluevog Venice, and I'm glad I did.

I needed 8s, which they didn't have in stock.
They took 10 days to arrive from Denver.
Oh, the anticipation!

(This quickly "pivoted" into a post about Fluevogs, didn't it? Haha)

Linking up with
Shelbee's Spread the Kindness

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Monday, March 8, 2021

A "Pop" of Color

Happy Int'l Women's Day.
Hey, every day is our day, right? 

Anyhow, I think I AM a pop of color. Sometimes the whole rainbow in one outfit! Haha.

Today, I am wearing my upgraded lounging around look.
So much better than the too short chenille sweater that didn't cover my butt and wasn't warm enough for our unheated Los Angeles ranch house AND the saggy yoga pants that I got out of the sample box at the day job eons ago.
I may have already posted a photo of that ensemble. Not today!

Everyday Tibetan wool hat with fleece liner - obtained in Brooklyn, 2012
Cool Glitch scarf from Glitch Textiles
My new everyday alpaca sweater from RoseUniqueStyle on Etsy
Oversized black turtleneck from Land's End, very old
Lularoe leggings from Poshmark - those are camera graphics
New fluffy slides from Amazon (size too big and I don't care)
[links not affiliated, I just like it all]
The Glitch scarf bears a closeup. It is SO COOL!

Linking up with
Shelbee's March Stylish Monday Link Up

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

#MendMarch 2021

Happy March! Have you started your mending yet?
I got a jump start last month by stitching up the front of this Ketzali "kimono" that I got off of Poshmark last April (!!!).
It was a super quick mend/ refurbish. Why did it take almost a year to accomplish? WHY?
This is the reason I participate in #mendMarch
I require a good Instagram challenge.

Whether you follow the IG prompts or not, do join in the mending circle below:
Linking up with [when link parties go live]
Catherine's #iwillwearwhatilike