December 2-4, 2016
Santa Monica, CA
Big Over-40 Blogger Weekend!
OK, so I haven't said very much about this, nor have I updated
the page with the email signup.
Bad hostess, SpyGirl, bad.
I HAVE been contemplating it, never fear.
Twelve of you have even signed up for the email list! Thank you ladies!
Connie, Jean, Patti,
Suzanne, Melanie, Pao,
Senora, and [didn't sign up but hope they are still interested] Glenda, Heather |
Yes, I AM able to count. Seven of the twelve have already been SpyGirled.
Lisa, Rena, Jodie, Autumn, SJ -- you're next (if you wish).
The meetup coincides with my exhibition of Fashion Sketches titled
Fashion Rainbow to be held at TAG Gallery, Santa Monica, November 22-December 17.
I've been busy
working procrastinating on it and am slowly filling in my rainbow grid:
[click on image to see bigger] |
Many slots yet to fill!
Meetup Event Ideas
Friday, Dec 2
Daytime could be adventure time, with groups going to various shopping meccas, guided by local experts (Heather and Glenda hopefully).
7-8pm I'm thinking of having a special private VIP reception for my collectors and muses.
YOU are the muses (and some are collectors too.
I thank you)!
8:30 Dinner somewhere in Santa Monica.
Saturday, Dec 3
AM, meet for breakfast? (I might have to teach 9-noon).
Daytime, more touring?
5-8pm is the Artists' Reception that is open to the public. I'll have to be there, you can find your own trouble!
8:30 Dinner somewhere in Santa Monica. It's really sad to go home solo after a reception. Let's eat!
Sunday, Dec 4
10am-? Perhaps a continental breakfast and garment swap at the gallery?
I suggest staying in Santa Monica.
There is a new Metro train that is 2 stops away from the gallery.
(Severo and I just rode it to downtown LA last night and it was fine -- dare I say, fun.)
Pao found some sweet air/lodging deals on Expedia and I'll send out the details in the first newsletter, sometime this week.
I suggest a taxi, Uber, or Lyft to get from LAX to the hotel.
If you rent a car, use the major rental agencies (Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, etc). Be advised that a parking fee will probably be added to your hotel bill. Free street parking in Santa Monica is nearly impossible to find. SM Parking Enforcement is super vigilant, you don't want a parking ticket.
For shopping expeditions, Uber, Lyft, or public transportation (will take longer) are the best options.
Parking is difficult (or expensive) everywhere.
Feeling interested? Excited?
Please join the
A list!
Adding yourself to the list increases the odds of a SpyGirl portrait!
See you in December?