Sunday, May 31, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Queen Anne's Lace

Robert Wallace Queen Anne's Lace [source
It's a flower power week again, Queen Anne's Lace is our muse.
Do I own anything white and lacy? No.

I rummaged around and put this disheveled mess together.
Sorry, too lazy to press out the wrinkles.
It will not be leaving the back yard!
"Why," you ask?
The huipil (tunic) was pulled from my pile of "art studio" garments.
That's the place where the stained or holey-yet-still-comfortable clothes go.
This is so frayed at the neck and shoulders, I'm not even sure some boro style patching would remedy it. Maybe I'll cut it down and make a new neckline. The fabric has a nice open mesh weave and it's super soft. I got both the huipil and the rebozo (scarf) in Oaxaca in 1982.
Then I'm wearing another pair of shoes pulled from storage in the garage. I had quite the cache in there!
These were already uncomfortable in the short walk from the dining room to outside.
I think these will make a trek to my Poshmark Closet.

Anything in your closet white and lacy? Link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible. It's OK if you can't.

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Monday, May 25, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Best Foot Forward

This is the 52 Pick-me-up week for all you shoe fanatics. Or sock fanciers. Or those who bare their soles.
It's all about putting your best foot forward.

I have recently unearthed a lot of shoes from my past by sorting through old bags that I found in the garage. They were full of things destined for a yard sale or charity. (Sample items worn last week). Yesterday, I thought I'd be writing about these:
Skechers collection from the 90's
Instead, I procrastinated and a Fluevog detour was taken.

Severo and I made an impromptu visit to Abbot Kinney this morning after breakfast out. We discovered while discussing eyeglasses that there is now a Warby Parker shop there (thanks smartie pants phones!). That reminded me about the newest Fluevog branch. Not to mention the free clogs that I won from Zingara almost a year ago that I never followed up on because the parking over there is so daunting. We figured it was early and gloomy enough (cloudy marine layer) that maybe it wouldn't be too crazy.

Thank goodness we had already eaten -- all the restaurants had mobs waiting to get in.

We did a slow stroll up and down Abbot Kinney and I managed to get a free bag of goodies from Fluevog.
The shoes I bought in SF several years ago, the bag has the free goodies inside.
Alas, the item that I asked about [not saying what] that resulted in the giveaway bag was not inside.
Oh woe is me.
I got a Fluevog button, a tiny sleeveless tee (back graphic shown), aqua laces, and a pencil --
courtesy of Fluevog on Abbot Kinney, Venice, CA
Now I need to call them and get what I asked for so that I really can Get On the Good Foot:

How about you? What's on your feet? Link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible It's OK if you can't.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

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Sunday, May 17, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: On Broadway

We had a stellar Stripes Week last week! Thank you everyone for linking.
This week is more of a challenge. Create an outfit inspired by the theater or Broadway.
(Oh, what was I thinking last June?)

I'm choosing Cats. I've never seen Cats, though I certainly know about it!
So while Googling to get more intel, I discover "Memory":

Today I'm having a "Yart" (yard + art) sale and while rummaging for stuff to sell, I found all sorts of old treasures.
I was ready to settle on just posting the photo above, but, inspired by the costume in the video, I thought "What if I turn the jacket inside out?" And there were my VERY WIDE jeans (which fit!) in another pile, and the brown Sketchers platforms, and something to "rave" about developed.
"Hello 90s!"
The furry hat is going in the $5 box, the rest I think I'll keep!

Where will exploring the limelight take you? Link and tell!
Visible Monday is on this week, I'll be strutting my visible stuff on over later today. Here's the link.
Also linking with Maricel's TARDIS Tuesday, because Kezzie says I'm a Cheetah Person.

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible It's OK if you can't.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

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Friday, May 15, 2015

SpyGirl at the Otis Benefit Fashion Show, Part 2

There will be three parts to this saga. I'm rolling it out (very) slowly!

The Otis Benefit Fashion Show happened on May 2, at the Beverly Hilton.
I've made it a thing to lurk at the step-and-repeat photo area prior to the evening show
(in Part 1 I wrote about attending the afternoon rehearsal).
It's a great people-watching opportunity and I sketch the VIPs!
Kendra Bollenbach and Joan Ransohoff 
The McKnight family, framed by photographers Kai He/The LA Fashion and David Crotty/PatrickMcMullan 
Paul Wilson, Alaina Wilson, Liz Evans, Brian Evans
Jonathan Skow and Trina Turk
Peter Lai and Rosemary Brantley (chair of the Otis Fashion Dept)
In Part 3 I will show my sketches, cleaned up -- don't hold your breath waiting for this!
I'll document my progress on Instagram and Twitter.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Stripes

Yikes! It's Stripes week! (And I'm running late!)
photo by Severo, taken in February at the Palm Springs Fine Art Fair 
And then there's this, which you may have seen on Instagram:
[I can't figure out how to move the video here.] 

When did you last wear stripes? Link and tell!

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

SpyGirl at the Otis Benefit Fashion Show, Part 1

It's the beginning of May, which means it's time for the annual Otis Fashion Show. 
The junior and senior classes work with mentors from the fashion industry from design direction through muslin and fabric fittings and culminating in this show that is a scholarship fundraiser for  students in all departments. 
Here I am with Heather and her daughter Sofia at the Otis alumni reception after the show rehearsal.
Sofia scouted out the best table ever inside the International Ballroom at the Beverly Hills Hilton. Sofia must join us every year! 
2015's show was a celebration of water. So to keep with the watery current, here are some shots from the rehearsal rendered in Waterlogue, my favorite iOS app. 

Junior Class work:
Anne Cole
Isobella & Chloe
Roxy / Quicksilver/ DC
Urban Outfitters
Mary Jo Bruno
Senior Class work:
Morgane Le Fay
Lane Bryant
Trina Turk
Zaid Affas
Bob Mackie
All my photos from the show's rehearsal are on my Flickr here.

Linking up with Patti's Visible Monday.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Hero

"In our world of big names, curiously, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knownness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs.  
          Daniel J. Boorstin, 1914 - 2004" [source]  

David Bowie's "Heroes" came up on my iPod during my commute last week and the above quote came in my "Quote of the Day" newsletter. Synchronicity! 

Celebrate your hero(es) this week for 52 Pick-me-up.
I have many, don't you?

I decided to feature the wonderful nurses of the infusion clinic at Harbor/ UCLA.
I sketched them on the sly over the course of my chemo treatments in 2010-11.
Gee, I thought I'd sketched more! I guess I took stealth photos, which I won't post.
Here's my last day in the clinic, 6/29/11
with Mariciel? (can't remember her name)

Who is your hero this week? Link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible It's OK if you can't.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

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Saturday, May 2, 2015

SpyGirl Visits LA's Exposition Park

The Natural History Museum has a First Friday event that is lots of fun. 
Dez and I went last night to see one of our favorite bands, Kinky. 
They played in the Hall of North American Mammals!
Meanwhile, over in the other Mammal Hall (African?), there were drinks and a DJ.

Our tickets (only $18!) allowed us access to the museum. Since we had arrived super early, we explored and found a great exhibit, "Grandes Maestros" a collection of folk art on loan from the collection of Fomento Cultural Banamex
Jaguars in clay by Juana Gomez Ramirez
Pedro Ortega Lozano, Nativity scene alterpiece (detail), Metallic paper, fabric, metallic thread on sheet wood, 2000
The "metallic paper" is candy wrappers!
Jesus Urbano Rojas, Box with Ayacucho customs, 2009
Cut and polychromed wood, figures made of chalk and potato paste
Argh. Didn't get the info on these.
Huipils! I want them all!
Look! A scarf with feathers! Cannot escape the scarves!
Cecelia Bautista Caballero, Cotton and feather woven on backstrap loom, 2011
The "Grandes Maestros" exhibition is up until 9/13/15.

Check my Instagram for other shots, including photos of the Endeavour. We had a blast!

The last First Friday of the 2015 season is June 5th. Tickets ($20) and info here.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Enid in the Scarf Coset, A-Z master list

I combined two creative challenges during April 2015. I composed my posts as journal entries in the voice of my fake persona, Enid, for International Fake Journal Month.  Enid was tasked with organizing scarves. The A-Z theme was for the A-Z Blogging Challenge. The first link below will tell you more about Enid.
Here are links to all the Enid A-Z posts. I've included the additional Sunday posts.

Are You Ready for the Return of Enid?

A is for Anne M Bray Scarf

B is for Bill Blass Scarf

C is for California Souvenir Scarf

D is for Dosa Scarf

Von Dutch Flaming Board Shorts

E is for the Evil Eye Scarf

F is for Fiorucci Dot Scarf

G is for the Ganesha Scarf

H is for Hermès Scarf

I is for an Ikat Scarf

J is for Juicy Couture Scarf

Sunday Non-Funday

K is for Kenya Barbie's Scarf

L is for Laotian Scarf

M is for Mercedes' Scarf

N is for a Nancy Cook Smith Scarf

O is for the Oaxaca Rebozo

P is for Patucci's Knit Scarf


Q is for Mr. Quint's Shibori Scarf

R is for Rosemary Brantley Scarf

S is for Souvenir South Dakota Scarf

T is for Territory Ahead Indian Scarf

U is for an Underwear Fabric Scarf

V is for Vicky Peck's Vintage Scarf

The Tee of Contention

W is for Windowpane Weave Sari Scarf

X is for the X and Os Scarf

Y is for the Yellow Scarf from Patzquaro

Z is for the Zodiac Scarf

IFJM 2015 Wrap Up

I had so much fun this time. The A-Z Challenge gave a good framework for the daily posts. Narrowing it down to A-Z scarves made it simpler, in an odd way.

I really like being Enid. I like her spunk. (Will she become a regular on SpyGirl? Maybe just maybe). The catalog card idea worked well. That part I was able to prep in advance so that all I needed to concentrate on were Enid's thoughts and designs. (I did my journaling and posts in the morning before my 6am pre-commute routine). I now want to make catalog cards for my entire wardrobe. Every garment has a story to tell.

The A-Z thing brought to mind my internship at M. Knoedler Gallery in NYC, when I was a junior in high school. They had just bought a second brownstone next door to their 70th Street location and had moved their library of auction catalogues and artist monographs. One of my duties was alphabetizing it all! (I did not "liberate" any tomes). Enid acted as a portal into my young awkward teenage self.

Using the same character for a second year made the fake journaling process all the easier. I was able to slip into Enid's skin like a comfortable tee.  Keeping to the black ink was frustrating and liberating at the same time. I could focus on the silhouette of my designs and not get distracted by color and pattern. 

I'm already day-dreaming about how to approach next year. And I think Enid won't be side-lined until April 1, 2016. Her antics can be followed using this URL: