Thursday, April 30, 2015

[Enid] Z is for the Zodiac Scarf


4.30  Z
This is the end? I have reached the Zs?
This "punishment" wasn't as bad as I thought.
How does Miz Bagg know these things?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

[Enid] X is for the X and Os Scarf


4.28  X
Kisses and hugs to my pal Bella!
How did her scarf make it into this collection?
Unknown, X factor.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Forget-me-not

mako "forget-me-nots" on Flickr
Dainty forget-me-not flowers: blue and yellow or purple and yellow or pink and yellow or white and yellow -- this week's 52 Pick-me-up inspiration. Or take the concept "forget me not" and go with that.
I was wracking my brain over the blue/yellow thing until my eyes landed on my OP tee that I got at Ross in Mesa, AZ in 2000.

I'm reposting a section of my "About" page that features said tee:

I started SpyGirl as an art project in fake journaling in 2010.
My SpyGirl avatar
Here's the story about how I found her.
I now have fully embraced and joined the world of Fashion blogging.
SpyGirl is my live Fashion Art performance piece, broadcasted via this blog.

I post outfit photos:
"Hello from the side of my house in western Los Angeles!"
and sketches:
Here I am in the same outfit but looking like a supermodel
Linking my stripes up with Whitney's Create 28 Lovely Spring Looks.
Also linking with ::My Closet Catalogue:: because TARDIS blue.

Have fun with this one -- I've had an exhausting week, how about you?
If all else fails, link any old post! Forget ye not!
Link and tell:

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible It's OK if you can't.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)

[Enid] The Tee of Contention


Before I sink into a luxurious day of RELAXING I want to tell you about this tee.
SpyGirl is going to wax all nostalgic about it in her blog today
She stole it from me!
She's convinced that she got it in Mesa [AZ] in 2000. Yeah right.
She shopped my closet in 2014. Grrrrr.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

[Enid] V is for Vicky Peck's Vintage Scarf


4.25  V
Victory over these blasted scarves will soon be mine.
I foresee only ONE MORE WEEK.
Cannot wait.

Friday, April 24, 2015

[Enid] U is for an Underwear Fabric Scarf


4.24  U
An Underwear scarf?
It's nice and soft though.
Maybe It'll have to be diverted into my "private collection".
Undercover, you know.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

SpyGirl Watches: L.A. Frock Stars -- Quest for that Special Dress

Tonight the final episode of Season 2 of L.A. Frock Star airs on the Smithsonian Channel at 9pm.
Where did the time go? This past week has been super crazy and I posted my One to Watch on social media via Instagram but never got the time to write up a blog post.

Here is my One to Watch from episode five, Quest for that Special Dress, Lauren Thompson, the director of L.A. Frock Stars.

Link for the video clip.

I'll post the sketch from tonight's episode as soon as I get it done on Instagram like I did with the above. I can't predict WHEN that will happen. I've got a lot of last minute stuff to do for my art exhibition that went up last Sunday. The opening reception is this Saturday, 5-8pm at TAG Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica (details here). What on earth will I wear?

I was given access to screeners of all six episodes of Season 2 back in February. 
The above verbiage is all mine.

[Enid] T is for Territory Ahead Indian Scarf


4.23  T
The printer situation has not been resolved - nobody has TIME.
I snuck into the graphics dept to get this card printed (they hate it when we use their printer. So Territorial!)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

[Enid] S is for Souvenir South Dakota Scarf


4.22 S
Stop everything!
Miz Bagg had one of her fits and fired Jasmine. No!
Jasmine was our office mom!
She brought in morning treats and made the coffee. I mean, I don't really know what she "did" - except get the office supplies. Which Segways into my current problem. Color printer needs cyan ink. Who is going to get it?
Today's sketch is how Jasmine would wear the scarf.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

[Enid] R is for Rosemary Brantley Scarf


4.21  R
As I Rot away in this dank dark Room,
I dream of Riding in a Roadster, Roof down on Route 66.

Monday, April 20, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Hey Cowgirl

Look to Western wear for inspiration this week. Dig out those cowboy boots and giddy up!
I purchased the platform cowboy boots at Nana's, an old punk emporium that
was located on Santa Monica's 3rd Street Promenade in the 90s.
They are sculptural objects chez moi -- fun to look at, torture to wear. 
This is what I wore to work.
What Western treasures will you rediscover?
Link and tell!

Meanwhile, I'm moseying over to Patti's Visible Monday.

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible It's OK if you can't.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)

[Enid] Q is for Mr. Quint's Shibori Scarf


4.20  Q
Why am I sorting this one with Q and not S (shibori) or J (Japanese)
Ha! It is my evil plot to make Mizzz Bagg have to go on a Quest to locate it.
Job security.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

[Enid] Errrrrrr.


Errrrrr. Guess who did manage to find a party last night and then ate too much Chinese food and now has a splitting headache?
Yep. That would be me.
I could really use a day at the spa right now. Or a new head.
Or more coffee.
Or chocolate. Yeah!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

[Enid] P is for Patucci's Knit Scarf


4.18 P
Oh Preety Pleeeese let me go get my Party on!
Who made the rule about working on Saturdays anyway?

Friday, April 17, 2015

[Enid] O is for the Oaxaca Rebozo


4.17 O
Wouldn't that be a cool place to visit?
Not on a road trip with SpyGirl, mind you.
She would be a terror on the Mexican highways.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

[Enid] N is for a Nancy Cook Smith Scarf


4.16 N
I'm Nuts over this Nubbly boucle scarf. Almost makes this Never ending task worth the Nuisance.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

[Enid] M is for Mercedes' Scarf


4.15  M
Hit the half-way Mark in the alphabet in this Merciless task.
Make it end soon.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

[Enid] L is for Laotian Scarf


4.14  L
Here's what I'm thinking:
It's time for the Santa Fe broom skirt style to make a comeback.
Tiers of shirred fabric. AmIright?

Monday, April 13, 2015

[Enid] K is for Kenya Barbie's Scarf


4.13  K
Kleptomania can be a wonderful thing.
Take this scarf, for instance.
That's exactly what Ms. Bray did!
Btw, taxes finished. Big refund. Yay.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Pattern Max

Oh thank you IRS for causing a delayed posting for this week's challenge. I managed to schedule my favorite theme -- Pattern Maxing -- in my least favorite week -- Tax Deadline. I'm back dating this and we'll all pretend that today is Sunday. If only!

Since I'm bombarding you daily with all of the fake journaling of Enid, I'm compiling the four outfits that I wore to work last week. I was inspired to new heights of pattern mixing [or maxing, as I like to say] by the Create 28 Lovely Spring Looks Challenge, the brainchild of Whitney A La Mode and Carrie of A Lovely Little Wardrobe. [I'm trying to do the challenge with my socks, but it is getting more and more difficult. Today's prompt is "Spring Dresses". How on earth can a sock be a spring dress?]

Anyway, on the the kooky outfits:
Monday. "Pattern on Bottom"
Pattern everywhere except for my tights.
Tuesday. "Pastels"
Pattern or embellishment everywhere except the faux Keds
Wednesday. Off theme.
Pattern everywhere.
Especially liked the leopard under the striped tee.
Note Jean's neck cowl [gifted] worn as a bum cover/ hip warmer.
Thursday. "Floral"
The coworkers gave me many compliments on the recently rediscovered circle skirt.
There you have it, my week of Pattern Maxing.
Go on, give it a try! Baby steps welcome too -- try a stripe with floral.
I have a helpful pattern mixing post here.

Linking with Create 28 Lovely Spring Looks
and Share-in-Style

Was your Pattern Maxing a success? Link and tell!

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible It's OK if you can't.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)

[Enid] Sunday Non-Funday


It's my Sunday reprieve and what do I have to spend it doing?
I can't put it off any longer. The hard part is tallying up all those expenses from that road trip with SpyGirl last year.
A certain song comes to mind by the O'Jays:
"For the Love of Money"

Bonus vid:

Saturday, April 11, 2015

[Enid] J is for Juicy Couture Scarf


4.11  J  
Just the thing for a Jaunt to a certain festival.
And here I am, stuck in the scarf Joint.

Friday, April 10, 2015

SpyGirl Watches: L.A. Frock Stars -- The Frock Market

This week, my one to watch is Mara Hruby, a singer/songwriter from Oakland, CA.
Mara needed a dress for her gig at The Mint. I sketched the second dress that she tried.
You can see her perform in the dress that she chose in this video:

I also found this interview on YouTube:

A highlight of Episode 4 was Doris and Sarah traveling to Chicago to a most amazing estate sale.
I still can't get over how the whole second floor of the house was packed full of things to wear.

Only two more new episodes will air on the Smithsonian Channel on Thursdays at 9pm.
They are rebroadcasted, check this link, then click on the specific episode for air times.
The same link will also lead you to streams of all six episodes of Season 1 (for now).

Who will I sketch next? Come back next Friday to find out!

I was given access to screeners of all six episodes of Season 2 back in February. 
The above verbiage is all mine.

Breaking news! 
Doris will be doing a live Facebook Chat on the L. A. Frock Stars page next Monday, April 13 at 11am PST.
The Way We Wore asked me to join in to ask a question. Alas, I'll be at the day job (making plaids, no doubt) so will one of you attend in my stead? Thanks, dolls!

[Enid] I is for an Ikat Scarf


4.10  I
Ikat makes me Irrationally Intoxicated.
I'm happy to wallow in the Ikat scarves today.
Don't bother the Enid.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

[Enid] H is for Hermès Scarf


4.9  H
Let's take a moment to bow down to the glory that is Le Roi des Écharpes: Hermès.
OK. Carry on.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

[Enid] G is for the Ganesha Scarf


4.8 G
Oh Ganesha, lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles, DO YOUR THING!
Coachella starts this weekend and I'm only up to G in the sorting hell.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

[Enid] F is for Fiorucci Dot Scarf


4.7 "F" 
This one makes me wish it was a magic portal to 1977 and I'm dancing the night away at Studio 54.

Monday, April 6, 2015

[Enid] E is for the Evil Eye Scarf


4.6 E
So if I, Enid, had wrapped myself head to toe in Evil Eye scarves, would I be in my current  predicament?

Sunday, April 5, 2015

52 Pick-me-up: Fresh Fruits

Feeling fruity?
I'm wearing the forbidden one -- the apple!
Freedy Johnston band tee for that farmstead feel
Scarf, socks, skirt:
My lap at lunchtime, setup for a #tinyplanet photo
Note "Pop of Pink" socks for linking with Create 28 Lovely Spring Looks
Fruits does not only refer to food.
There is also FRUiTS, a 90's Japanese Harajuku streetstyle magazine created by Shoichi Aoki.
FRUiTS the magazine spawned a couple of books, I have both:

In my Google perambulations, I discovered there is a current FRUiTS Facebook Page.
YES! My people!

I've given you a wide range of choices for your 52 Pick-me-up contribution this week.
Go wild!
Then link and tell!

I'll be linking with Patti's Visible Monday later today.

Every Sunday the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Sunday, 5:30am, Pacific time.

You are welcome to link any post that goes with the theme -- old posts included!
Almost any image with a URL may be added: 
Instagram (use via 
Facebook (set it on Public), Flickr, etc. Even web pages!

Please be polite, add a link back to this post if at all possible It's OK if you can't.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar below to get started:

(Linkup closed)

[Enid] Von Dutch Flaming Board Shorts


It's Easter Sunday and I was allowed out of the closet for "good behavior" or some such BS. Also, I'm NOT FIRED!
Mel K, Miz Bagg's "left hand" informed me in a curt text. I was able to go visit my mom. While there, she made me go through some boxes in the attic and I found my FLAMING BOARD SHORTS! Oh memories of RISD and Lupo's! What I would give for a hot dog at The Hot Club. No. Not really.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

[Enid] D is for Dosa Scarf


4.4 "D" 

Rumor has it that the Demented Diva has fired me.
Then why the F am I still in this F ing closet?
She's Desperate that's why. No one else will work for her.
The coworkers, working a Saturday Deadline, took pity and shoved a plate of Donuts through the Door.
Delighted, I'm sure.

Friday, April 3, 2015

[Enid] C is for California Souvenir Scarf

C is for C_ _ _ _ _ T_ _ _ _

SpyGirl Watches: L.A. Frock Stars -- Golden Age of Hollywood

Rai Alexandra is my muse from L.A. Frock Stars, Episode 3. There were many many great moments in this episode, including Shelly and Sarah visiting Damon Devine, Yma Sumac's former personal assistant. (Link to video clip).

This week, Rai is the one who lit up the screen for me*. When she emerged from the dressing room in this Christian Dior-inspired pouf dress -- GODDESS ALERT! She absolutely glowed!
(screen grab from L.A. Frock Stars)
New episodes will air on the Smithsonian Channel every Thursday at 9pm.
They are rebroadcasted, check 
this link, then click on the specific episode for air times.
The same link will also lead you to streams of all six episodes of Season 1 (for now).

Who will I sketch next? Come back next Friday to find out!

I was given access to screeners of all six episodes of Season 2 back in February. 
The above verbiage is all mine.

*I can't sketch Shelly every episode -- or can I?

[added 4/11]

This post was selected for IFB's Links à la Mode, Thursday 4/9 edition.
Check out these other posts sharing the spotlight, including my blogging buddy Suzanne Carillo:

Want to be featured in Links à la Mode?
Read the clarified rules and submit your links on this page: Links à la Mode.

Thursday, April 2, 2015