Wednesday, October 30, 2013

52 Pick-me-up: Paint it Black

Hi all! I'm still recovering from some surgery. No wild gestures or twirling today!
This week's theme is black.

Every Wednesday morning the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Monday 11:55pm, Pacific time.
If the link is closed, it's OK to leave your URL in the comments.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar to get started:

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

52 Pick-me-up: Feline Frenzy

This week, wear leopard or cheetah or ocelot, or all three!
This leopard coat was designed and made by an OTIS student in 1990.
A selection of prints that I've designed.
Maybe they'll show up on your panties someday!
Need help IDing which cat you're wearing? Check out this link.

Every Wednesday morning the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Monday 11:55pm, Pacific time.
If the link is closed, it's OK to leave your URL in the comments.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar to get started:

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pink Power!

There's a lot of pink going around this month.
Yep, it's breast cancer awareness time. Please go get that mammogram! Don't let fear allow you to procrastinate like it did me. I had Stage IIIc. And I'm still here to hypnotize you with clashing colors and patterns.  
So there, cancer. I won, you lost!
Here I am, gloating over my victory.
Still keeping with this week's 52 Pick-me-up theme of Accessories First,
I coordinated my outfit with some Nigerian plastic disc necklaces:
If you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Flickr, you may have noticed these target-like images.
They're over there to the right on my sidebar in the Instagram feed as well.
The shot of my lap (2nd photo), filtered through the Tiny Planet App, became the above. I find it a fun way to present my outfits on social media. I usually make them during my lunch breaks at work, which is why they mostly appear on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. But this week I made one at my desk with some feline printouts. A new way to waste time at work! WooHoo!

I've joined Patti's Visible Monday.
Also playing with Jane's Shiny T Tuesday.

Meanwhile, you still have plenty of some time to add your link here if you've donned some accessories first.

Every Wednesday morning the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Monday 11:55pm, Pacific time.
If the link is closed, it's OK to leave your URL in the comments.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar to get started:

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

52 Pick-me-up: Accessorize!

The directive for this week is: Put your accessories on first. Now get dressed.
I chose some West African bracelets that I bought in Providence, RI
and a vintage silk scarf that I bought in Portland, OR.
New Fluevog creepers!

Every Wednesday morning the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Monday 11:55pm, Pacific time.
If the link is closed, it's OK to leave your URL in the comments.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar to get started:

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

52 Pick-me-up: Tone Poem

This week, go tonal! Mix a bright with a darker shade of the same color.
I went blue.

Every Wednesday morning the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Monday 11:55pm, Pacific time.
If the link is closed, it's OK to leave your URL in the comments.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar to get started:

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

52 Pick-me-up: Texture Mixture

Happy October everyone!
This week's prompt is "Texture salad". What? Mix up some textures from your closet!
Alas, the pink shawl was used for demonstration purposes only.
By lunch, the temperatures were back up to the high 80s.
Linking up with Patti's Visible Monday.

Every Wednesday morning the 52 Pick-me-up Closet Remix prompt will be posted.
Linky is live until the following Monday 11:55pm, Pacific time.
If the link is closed, it's OK to leave your URL in the comments.

Join in, it's easy! Click on the blue bar to get started:

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